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Stunning Companion Plants For Tall Ornamental Grasses

Stunning Companion Plants for Tall Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses are a versatile and beautiful addition to any garden. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and can be used to create a variety of different looks. Tall ornamental grasses can be especially striking, but they can also be a bit overwhelming if they're not paired with the right companions.

In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the best companion plants for tall ornamental grasses. We'll cover a variety of different plants, so you're sure to find some that will work well in your garden.

Choosing Companion Plants

When choosing companion plants for tall ornamental grasses, there are a few things you'll need to keep in mind. First, you'll need to consider the size and growth habit of the grass. Some grasses, such as miscanthus and fountain grass, can grow quite tall, so you'll need to choose companions that won't be overshadowed. Other grasses, such as maiden grass and blue oat grass, are more compact and can be paired with a wider variety of plants.

You'll also need to consider the sun exposure and soil conditions in your garden. Most ornamental grasses prefer full sun and well-drained soil, but there are a few exceptions. For example, some sedges can tolerate partial shade, and some grasses, such as zebra grass, can tolerate wet soil.

Finally, you'll need to consider the overall look you're going for in your garden. Do you want a formal or informal look? Do you want a lot of color or a more muted palette? Once you've considered all of these factors, you can start to narrow down your choices.

Here are some of our favorite companion plants for tall ornamental grasses:

  • Perennials: Perennials are a great choice for companion plants because they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of our favorites include:
    • Echinacea (purple coneflower): This native wildflower is a reliable bloomer and attracts butterflies and other pollinators.
    • Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan): Another native wildflower, rudbeckia is a sunny yellow color that looks great with grasses of all shades.
    • Asters: Asters come in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, pink, and white. They bloom in late summer and fall, which is when many grasses start to go dormant.
    • Sedum: Sedums are succulent plants that come in a variety of colors, including green, blue, pink, and red. They're drought-tolerant and can add a splash of color to your garden even in the heat of summer.
  • Annuals: Annuals are a great way to add color and interest to your garden for a single season. Some of our favorites for tall ornamental grasses include:
    • Cosmos: Cosmos come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, yellow, and orange. They're easy to grow and attract butterflies and other pollinators.
    • Cleome: Cleome has tall, spiky blooms that come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, and white. It's a great choice for adding height and drama to your garden.
    • Salvia: Salvias come in a variety of colors, including red, blue, purple, and white. They're heat-tolerant and bloom for a long period of time.
    • Zinnias: Zinnias come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and purple. They're easy to grow and attract butterflies and other pollinators.
  • Shrubs: Shrubs can add structure and height to your garden, and they can also provide year-round interest. Some of our favorites for tall ornamental grasses include:
    • Boxwood: Boxwood is a classic evergreen shrub that can be sheared into a variety of shapes.
    • Yucca: Yucca is a drought-tolerant shrub with spiky leaves. It's a great choice for sunny, dry areas.
    • Russian sage: Russian sage is a tall, airy shrub with blue flowers. It's a great choice for adding color and movement to your garden.
    • Butterfly bush: Butterfly bush is a nectar-rich shrub that attracts butterflies and other pollinators.


Tall ornamental grasses can be a stunning addition to any garden, but they can also be a bit overwhelming if they're not paired with the right companions. By choosing the right plants, you can create a beautiful and harmonious landscape that will last for years to come.

Ornamental grasses are a beautiful addition to any garden, but they can sometimes look a bit bare on their own. That's where companion planting comes in! By pairing tall ornamental grasses with other plants, you can create a more visually appealing and interesting landscape.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing companion plants for tall ornamental grasses. First, make sure the plants have similar growing conditions. Ornamental grasses typically need full sun and well-drained soil. Second, consider the size of the plants. Tall ornamental grasses can grow up to 10 feet tall, so you'll need to choose companion plants that won't be overshadowed.

Some good companion plants for tall ornamental grasses include:

  • Perennial flowers: Echinacea, coneflowers, salvias, and asters all add bright colors and interest to a garden.
  • Annual flowers: Cosmos, sunflowers, and zinnias are all easy to grow and provide a long season of blooms.
  • Shrubs: Lavender, rosemary, and sage are all drought-tolerant shrubs that can add a touch of fragrance to your garden.
  • Groundcovers: Creeping thyme, sedums, and yarrows can fill in the spaces between tall ornamental grasses and provide a splash of color.

If you're looking for more inspiration, be sure to visit Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a comprehensive list of companion plants for tall ornamental grasses, as well as tips on how to create a beautiful and well-balanced landscape.

FAQ of companion plants for tall ornamental grasses


Image of companion plants for tall ornamental grasses

Here are 5 different images of companion plants for tall ornamental grasses from

Image 1: Goldenrod and ornamental grass Image of Goldenrod and ornamental grass

Goldenrod is a tall, sunny wildflower that blooms in late summer and fall. It's a great companion plant for ornamental grasses because it has similar growing conditions and can help to fill in the spaces between the grasses.

Image 2: Coneflower and ornamental grass Image of Coneflower and ornamental grass

Coneflowers are another tall, sunny wildflower that blooms in summer and fall. They come in a variety of colors, so you can choose ones that will complement the colors of your ornamental grasses.

Image 3: Sedum and ornamental grass Image of Sedum and ornamental grass

Sedum is a succulent plant that comes in a variety of colors and textures. It's a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate a variety of conditions, making it a good choice for companion planting with ornamental grasses.

Image 4: Yucca and ornamental grass Image of Yucca and ornamental grass

Yucca is a spiky plant that can add some drama to your garden. It's a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate hot, dry conditions, making it a good choice for companion planting with ornamental grasses in xeriscaping gardens.

Image 5: Aster and ornamental grass Image of Aster and ornamental grass

Asters are a type of wildflower that blooms in late summer and fall. They come in a variety of colors, so you can choose ones that will complement the colors of your ornamental grasses.

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